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Can a Teenager Get Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

When it comes to the physical and emotional well-being of teenagers, the impact of their appearance can be significant. One such concern that might affect adolescent boys in particular is gynecomastia, a condition characterized by the enlargement of breast tissue. Gynecomastia can lead to self-consciousness and emotional distress during crucial years of development. Male breast reduction can be an effective solution for addressing excess glandular breast and fatty tissue, as well as sagging or stretched skin around the chest. 

Gynecomastia can develop in men who are well into adulthood; however, it is not uncommon for it to begin during adolescence. While genetics, obesity, and other factors may lead to the development of gynecomastia, hormonal changes during puberty have also been linked to the condition. Gynecomastia often affects both breasts and, in addition to its aesthetic effects, may even cause the breasts to feel tender. 

At The Aesthetic Institute of Chicago, our board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Brian Braithwaite and Dr. Lorri Cobbins, perform male reduction surgery to address the effects of gynecomastia and help patients feel less self-conscious about their appearance. This can be particularly beneficial for adolescent patients as it can allow them to feel more comfortable in social settings. The procedure is designed to create a more masculine chest contour by removing excess tissue from the breasts to achieve a “flatter” aesthetic. Male breast reduction procedures are customized for each patient based on whether the condition is being caused by excess glandular tissue, excess fatty tissue, or both. Excess glandular tissue can be surgically excised, while liposuction can be utilized to reduce excess fat cells. In cases where both types of tissue are causing the condition, glandular tissue excision and liposuction techniques can be performed in combination to produce the desired appearance. 

Teenage boys may be candidates for male breast reduction; however, we advise these potential patients to wait until they are 19 years old before pursuing the surgery, to ensure their physical development is more fully complete. During a confidential consultation with Dr. Braithwaite or Dr. Cobbins, an individual’s candidacy for the procedure can be determined. If the individual is an ideal candidate, our plastic surgeon can create a customized treatment plan designed to provide the best possible results. 

To learn more about gynecomastia and male breast reduction, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Braithwaite or Dr. Cobbins, please contact the Aesthetic Institute of Chicago today.